A while ago, around March 10, actually, I started writing a short story called The Bloodlord. I got the idea while thinking about the Twilight series. About vampires. I mean, in my opinion, those books were kind of geared toward pubescent girls to have a fantasy. I like the idea of vampires, so I switched it to be darker and relate to magic. I ended up with assassins that drink blood to get magic, called Oath. I have the full story here at Writingforums.com: The Bloodlord (3,317 Words)
My favorite part is the beginning: Killing is an art. Blood is its paint. And I am its artist.
Awesome, right?
I made one of my favorite action scenes as well, and here it is:
"I had my first throwing dagger out of its sheath and into one of the nearest guard’s chest before the rest of them had a chance to fully react, causing him to fall back from his chair. Then one of the guards was smart enough to upturn the table, sending the playing board, tiles, coins, and beer in my direction. There was no way the rubbish could have reached me, but it was a reasonable attempt to distract me long enough to bring their weapons to bear and not be so flat-footed. It didn’t work, but my second lightning-fast throw still sunk into the mahogany wood of the table.
It was crucial that I did not let them ready their blades, so I burned more Oath into summoning a ball of hellfire which I summarily threw at their makeshift cover. The fireball blew apart the table with explosive force. Then I threw another dagger through the hole for good measure, whipped my fighting dagger out instantly after that, and leaped forward.
I easily ducked under a wild slash and responded with a double thrust. I spun the blades around and opened up a deep stomach cut with my dirk and deflected another stab with the dagger. Then I swept up and gutted the only standing fighter from crotch to throat. My dagger stabbed out and drove through the forehead of the guard clutching at his stomach."
I had a lot of fun with that one. It reminded me a lot of the Drizzt novels that I try to pull my writing style from.
So anyway, there's my latest work. I'm still working on Living on Borrowed Time... I hope to get that one up and ready soon. But then again, I am a slow typist. :D
EDIT: Took the above picture off of this guy's deviantArt (http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs40/f/2009/037/e/3/_assassinscreed__by_Kermodog.gif)
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