There were quite a few so's in that last paragraph, as my Comp. professor would say. But so what? :D
For those of you that don't know what Travian is, here's about as quick of a rundown as I can possibly do: It's a RTS, or Real-Time Strategy for non-nerds, and consists mainly of building up resources and buildings and troops and then attacking the crap out of everyone around you. You play with tens of thousands of other real human players, so the experience gets pretty wild. Emotion plays a big part, because if you make someone mad... watch out!
I decided to play Romans, the easier of the three tribes, in my opinion. I have a couple friends playing with me now, like Andrew, Nissen, and Jon. I also have my old ally from server 2, Karen, so we should be able to do a little domination.
Only problem is... this takes a lot of time to do, lol. I spend about 3/5 of my day online now, building, raiding, messaging. No time for anything else, lol. :D
Another thing... while I was checking out strategies and such for the new server, I found this website with a guy selling a book on strategy. So I think to myself, hey this has to be a scam or something... But he's willing to give 12 or so tips for free so we can see he's genuine. TRUST ME: He IS genuine. :D Not to mention funny... Anyway, without trying to sound like an advertisement whore, here's his website: http://tips4travian.com/
Anyway, the main website is Travian.com, and I am registered in server 9. If you want to join an alliance with me, just message Darkdyer! :D
Haha, I used to play a game sorta, kinda, not really like that one when I was in college. As a result, I didn't get anything done first semester. :P Hope you do better than me!